If it isn't Jake the snake, who takes the cake, never wakes and bakes and.....I haven't had my coffee yet.


Berk: Got any daughters, Director Vance?
Vance: I do. I have one.
Berk: I have three. If any one of them grows up to be like Ensign Wilt, I'll be one proud papa. Just a special kid, in every way.
Vance: A kid with a very heady position at ONI, Captain.
Berk: She earned it. Smart, squared away. Had a knack for computer analysis and code-breaking like I've never see

Gibbs: What are those?
Palmer: Neck tissue samples. If any residue was left behind it may help in identifying the weapon. I was just about to take it over to Abby.
Gibbs: And still you are here? [Palmer rushes to leave] Palmer. Thank you.

Tony: Well hey there Alfredo. Looks like you traded in your prison jumpsuit, huh?
Bishop: NCIS! Don't move!
Alfredo: Go ahead. Kill me. Get it over with!
Bishop: Why would we do that?
Tony: Alfredo. We're NCIS.
Alfredo: So, like feds can't be bought?
Tony: That's not really our style.
Alfredo: You're not going to kill me?

McGee: Gorney, need a towel or a fan over there?
Ned: You try navigating this gauntlet, Timmy boy. Feels like I just spent hours running through catacombs to kill a dragon-priest only to step outside and have another dragon riding right on my tail.
McGee: It's an obscure Skyrim reference boss that actually makes perfect sense.
Gibbs: Thank you elf-lord. What did you find, dragon-priest?

Jake: Something's changed here, Ellie. Something's different. You're different.
Bishop: Everything is different. I shot a man in Kabul last week. I killed him. It has a way of changing a person.
Jake: Wait. What? You...you didn't tell me.
Bishop: Why would I? We don't tell each other anything anymore.

Jake: Look, Ellie. You chose to leave NSA and take this job. No one pushed you.
Bishop: I know.
Jake: And it's changed things between us. But we can work it out. Right?

Jake: The only thing I haven't been letting you do, Gibbs, is over-riding NSA jurisdiction. And we're under no legal obligation to explain why.
Gibbs: Do you want my opinion? Your job sucks.
Vance: Gibbs....
Gibbs: The longer we go before checking Korkmaz's computer, the better chance we have the killer gets away.
Jake: Okay then. Go ahead. NSA surrenders access.
Vance: Excuse me, did you just say.....
Jake: I'll clear it upstairs. Any repercussions....I'll take the hit.

Abby: And these are his chats and his emails for you and Ducky to profile.
Palmer: Thanks for including me in there but Dr. Mallard's really the profiler. I'm just...
Abby: You are the wind beneath his wings. Now go. Blow.

Gibbs: Drop the bag. Just put it down. Put it down. That's it. Brad, look at me. You're a good kid.
Brad: No I'm not. [He detonates the bomb]

Because from where I'm standing only one of us is pulling for this marriage to work and it's me.


Here's a question. How come everything you hear off of every Tarot reader is positive? Is all the energy off of every person who comes in her positive, or do you like have to hide the bad news?
