I think she might be concussed because she's being weirdly straightforward.


You little schemer.


I'm here, brother. Don't hold on. Go easy. I love you.


I'm sorry, love, but you don't get to sit this one out. None of us do.


I was this close to snuffing out a problem only to be stopped dead in my tracks. But if there's one thing I've learned over the years is that sometimes you have to shift your strategy. You put your pawns in the right positions. You let them sacrifice themselves. Then, you pick your opponents off one by one. You get close. You get in their heads, and if you really want to win, you make them think you're losing. Then, when they least expect it, you go for blood.

The Devil

Erin: Okay, even if any of this was remotely legitimate, why us?
Rose: If people like us can somehow figure out a way to work together, maybe the world deserves to be saved.

Hi, I'm an atheist.


Rose: God is angry, so he's giving us a test.
Peter: I am so not down with that.

Adalind: Now all we need's my mother.
Rosalee: I thought she was dead.
Adalind: Well, she couldn't help if she was alive.

You act like I'm responsible for everything. But I only did what I did to you because you took my child from me.


As long as we're digging up the past, we may as well dig up your mother!


And what makes you think Nick will be interested in anything you have to s- [Adalind opens her coat, revealing her pregnancy.] That is *not* mine.
