Alan: Yeah, but doesn't the location of Trinity feel like a little too convenient, no?
Vera: Like what? You think it was aimed like a weapon?
Alan: I mean, it's either another weapon's test or someone is trying to make a point.

Nick: What happens if we don't find Malcolm?
Jeremy: Then I have to step down, give up my pack and my territory.

Elena don't! He is goading you to kill him!


Man: Where ya headed?
Malcolm: How do you know I'm headed anywhere?
Man: I'm from nowhere and even I wouldn't say this place is somewhere.

Your son is a part of my pack. You will bring him to me and I will raise him. This is not a negotiation, Logan, this is how it's going to be.


There's nothing more personal than politics.


You are gonna spend the night in a cell, and I am gonna spend the night on a plane back to Chicago. And I am gonna talk to Leanne in person, and then I am gonna search your house, and I am gonna search your car, and I am gonna search your locker and I am gonna talk to your friends. I am gonna talk to your neighbors. I am gonna talk to your pastor. I am gonna talk to everybody you know down to the guy that shines your shoes. And anything you think I can do to help you Clay, any favor I can call in, any length that I can go to, any power or influence I might have I am gonna use all of that to lock your ass up. Smoke on that.


Chin: You know Lou, a lot of guys on my old squad believed IA when they said I was a dirty cop. When I asked them why they said it was just something they could feel. They went with their instinct and turned their back on my, but they were wrong.
Grover: I am not wrong.

Victor: Adrienne dear, it's me. If you've got a minute I'd like to talk to you.
Adrienne: Sure, Victor. I'll be down in a couple minutes.
Victor: I'll be in the study. Oh, one other thing. Lucas, you're fired.

Don't do this. Don't make me sit here and watch you turn into your mother.


Grover: Can I get a strawberry daiquiri?
Steve: Did you say strawberry daiquiri?
Grover: I am comfortable in my manhood brother.
Steve: Oh yes you are. Deep dish pizzas, strawberry daiquiris. You like the finer things in life.

Chin: If I remember correctly your rendition of 'Love me' brought the house down. Look, the suit still fits.
Jerry: Oh no, this is like my sixth one, but I am just here as a spectator today.