Skye: Johnson, is that your last name?
Cal: Was... pretty ordinary huh? I changed it to something more sinister when I went on the run.
Skye: Daisy Johnson... huh.

Ward is a psychopath, but for now he's our psychopath.


Skye: Cal let me explain.
Cal: No. What an idiot I've been huh? I see what's happening. You were going to dump me here like yesterday's trash. You don't want to spend time with me. This isn't daddy's day out. This is goodbye.
Skye: Not forever.
Lincoln: Skye don't...
Cal: Her name is Daisy.

Skye: You can't just leave him on the side of the road like an unwanted puppy. It's irresponsible and cruel for both a puppy or Cal. Cal's not a puppy, he's a pit bull. A raging pit bull who will attack...
Jiaying: I don't want to hear about the people you think you're responsible for.
Skye: This isn't about them. This is about me. You asked me to be decent, give Cal one dinner. I did that and I empathize.
Jiaying: After one night you understand him?
Skye: Yes, because I spent my entire life searching for you.

Ward: You know, last time I suggested we work together you called me a deluded son of a bitch.
Coulson: Things change. I'm offering you a deal. Help me and I'll let you walk away; free and clear. No more looking over your shoulder.
Ward: When something's too good to be true, it's a lie.
Coulson: Not lying. I tried to stick with you before, didn't work so well. So, I'm offering a carrot.
Ward: I'm listening.
Coulson: Get me inside. After that, I put you through the T.A.H.I.T.I. protocol and then you're free to go.
Ward: Wipe my memories? Wow that sounds like a threat, not a carrot.

Your words are weapons, be careful how you use them.


Because the best way to hurt a father is to hurt his daughter.


Avery: I don't think I have every called one of my friends a heinous bitch or told them I wish they would die a slow painful death.
Jennifer: Well some friends deserve it.

Mundo: How are kids so cruel?
Raven: Because they are hiding behind a key board

Mundo: There are no pictures anywhere in here. It is like she didn't have any friends.
Avery:That's cute you still think teenagers print out photos. That's what social media is for.
Mundo: What are picture frames for?
Raven: Parents, grandparents, old people.
Mundo: I would get mad at you, but I walked myself right into that one.

Casey: Hey, you guys wanna see some strippers?
Everyone: Yes.
Casey: Well you should have gone to a strip club. Come one.

Are you looking for guys Casey? Because I know my way around a toolbox.
