I am dangling a human being by a bed sheet. That is my status.


Ichabod: I'm here to save you. Though it appears Sutton is in greater need.
Abbie: Better late than never. What made you come back?
Ichabod: I viewed a moving picture, in which you and I attempted to create a still picture.
Abbie: A selfie.
Ichabod: Yes, as you said. Everything you said is true; we're partners.
Abbie: More than that, we're friends.

Happy, don't question Walter. Didn't you see the interview? He's better than us.


Sylvester: I have to be in the car alone?
Toby: Would you rather be in the building with the gun toting drug dealers?

Oh really? You went to Harvard? You hardly ever mention it.


A shocker, the genius king doubts his underlings.


Jim: You see that?
Harvey: No. Cause you took my glasses.

Your appearance can be a weapon. As powerful as any knife or gun.


Abbie: You're even on the hundred dollar bill.
Franklin: A hundred! How about that Ichabod, a hundred dollar bill? What is Jefferson on?
Abbie: Two dollar bill.
Franklin: The two? The two, does anyone even use the two? Sounds cumbersome.
Ichabod: I think that's quite enough, thank you.
Franklin: No it is not. We're standing in front of a woman who's two centuries ahead of us; brilliant, educated, well spoken. What is your profession?
Abbie: Ah Sheriff Detective.
Franklin: Officer of the law, Ichabod. Everything we're striving for here. Fighting with our dying breath to create for this country. A free land of opportunity for all Ms. Abigail Mills represents. She is the American Dream.

As long as someone's willing to put that red hood on, this gang can go on forever.


I got kidnapped by a fourth grader.


I need a danish.
