Charles: You know you are cutting off your nose to spite your face.
Mabel: I'm going.
Charles: Well, what shall we do with your food.
Mable: Eat it. And I hope it chokes you.

I am afraid that you have read somewhere that rudeness in old age is amusing, which is quite wrong.


Violet: She keeps talking about her mother being infirm, but I am infirm why doesn't she think about that?
Isobel: You are as infirm as Windsor Castle.

Miss Bunting: Have I finished us before we ever really even got started?
Tom: You pitted yourself against them from the start. How can you retreat from that position?
Miss Bunting: You mean I have made it them or me?
Tom: Haven't you? You despise the family, but I think you forget that my wife was one of them. My child is one of them. Where does that leave me?
Miss Bunting: don't you despise them? Really?
Tom: No, I don't. I would like things to change, but I don't think in black and white terms anymore.
Miss Bunting: Well I do.

Your Musketeers have let me down again. Keeps happening, doesn't it?


Tariq: I was born the wrong color. An issue you may be familiar with?
Porthos: Nothing I can't handle

When the Queen sees my devotion to her child, it can only increase her passion for me.


Constance: The Dauphin is sick.
D'Artagnan: Constance, he's in good hands.
Constance: The physician is very well learned. I'm sure he knows what he's doing.
D'Artagnan: I meant your hands.

It took me a while to get a feel for this part of it. Raise the black too soon and the prize will run. Raise it too late, and you'll induce panic and a greater chance of resistance. You got to show your colors at just the right moment to get them to strike theirs.


I don't want to see you in my place again. I don't want to see you on my island again. Take your men, take your shit and seek life elsewhere.


In less that two days I intend to be a captain again. I suggest you find a way of earning your way back on to this crew as well


The new world is a gift. A sacred opportunity to right our wrongs and begin anew. And I do not want my family's plot in it to be the reason for its fall.
