You call this a side effect?!


I hate wearing my dress blues. How about that?


Why don't you pretend that Danny's last name isn't Reagan and decide if he deserves a medal based on the merit's of the case.


Sarah: Who did this to you?
Kyle: You wouldn't believe it if I told you. Hell, I don't believe it. The kids.
Peter: The kids?
Kyle: All of them, acting together. They left me for dead, and I dragged myself back here.

Sarah: I've heard the rumors.
Peter: It's more than rumors. Interpol has security cam footage of him leaving Ilaria's corporate headquarters just before a bomb went off.

The immortals have scattered to the winds. Our time is over. The TXM-7 pandemic is destroying us. I just want to save the few who are left.


I knew they would send someone. I did not think it would be you.


I'd say it's about time we took matters into our own hands. Wouldn't you?

Sister Amy

Now I know how much Annabeth means to you. Okay, she means a lot to me too. But Lemon, I love you. Everything I did today is because of that.


Lemon: For the last time, I did not put red food dye in Shelby's sweet tea, or her breath mints, or her stage makeup.
Sheriff Bill: But you hate her.
Lemon: So, I'm a southern lady. My methods of warfare are purely psychological.

Wade: This is insane.
Zoe: People all over the world pee in buckets.
Wade: I will still love you if I see this, but it may take me a while to recover.

Lemon: Somewhere, right now, Diana Ross is spinning in her grave.
Annabeth: Or hailing a taxi. I'm pretty sure she's still alive.