Clyde: Did you mean to say you are a crazy country?
Marty: That's auto correct. But the word's still there. If she read it out loud, she'll get it.

Soo, maybe not just father issues?


My type is smart, beautiful, slightly damaged. Know anyone like that?


Ah, Judge Miller. Your reputation precedes you. I would say it's a pleasure but my mother taught me never to lie.


Marty: When are you going to rape and pillage my company?
Denna: I'd rather stick to raping and pillaging you.
Marty: Boo, don't threaten me with a good time.

That's the best thing to happen to rubber since tires!


Clyde: You know when Mommy and Daddy fight, it hurts me in my no no place.
Doug: Your dick!

She always looks like she smelled it.


When baby goes poopie, we're supposed to make a big fuss.


Helen: Do you ever get high?
Carol: Once in a while!

Calm down, it's not like there's a dick in it!


Emily: Jack tends to keep things inside.
Ben: I'm getting worried. What happens when he runs out of space in there?