Do you want me to bite him?


I made a list of the things you love. Playing with our dog, staring contests, having sex with me - and so on. Then I lost the list.


Things weren't really normal with you pining after Iris and her being totally unaware. Whatever happens next, it will be better.


Look Barry, Cisco and I will work with Joe and the police and devise a way to catch Cold; yes, I said it, as soon as it came out of my mouth, Cisco, I heard it.


It represents to me that people with lots of money buy dumb stuff.

Heat Wave

You have to tell me because you legally bound yourself to me inmarriage!


Ron: Terry, what has Leslie been up to?
Terry: Oh getting ready for big press conference!
Ben: Terry come on!

It's f*cking milk.


Why? Was there something inside the stupid ball?


Ben: Please write it in cursive, it raises a lot of red fl-
Ron: No.

  • Permalink: Ron: No.
  • Added:

Heat Wave: You promised me I'd get to do my thing.
Captain Cold: I always keep my promises. Seat belt.

Andy: That book sounded so boring I almost cried a little.
April: Aw babe I'm sorry you had to hear that, you're safe now.