All we need is a big opening. You put on a white tuxedo jacket like Rick in Casablanca.


Now more than ever I need to work for us, don't I?


The person who has the biggest problem with people knowing you're gay is you.


I am not putting this behind us and you want to know why? Because I see you for the lethal, toxic snake that you are.


Life is stranger than anything life can invent.


Watson: He looks like Point Break and Magic Mike had a baby. There ... uh ...
Sherlock: Truffles of the cinema, I presume.

I'm proud of her, Watson. I think she's ready.


She chose to focus on the good in her life. She chose you.


Slater: Just Slater, it's a mononym like...
Malory: Jesus Christ!
Slater: Nope

After he literally stabbed me. In the back!


Lana: And what operation is the CIA conducting in Argentina
Slater: Sorry. It's operation nunya---
Lana: I---
Archer: As in beeswax, Lana. (mimicks a PA system) Dr. Kane, report to the burn unit.

Archer: I'm talking about us flying on the same plane, Lana. What if it crashed?
Lana: Then I wouldn't have to had to watch you pound 20 drinks and talk the stewardess into a hand job?