Wow. Either I'm way out of practice or you have a weird mouth.


I gotta tell you, I was actually really nervous we wouldn't have anything to talk about in person because we shared so much digitally.


I'm telling you, if Gayle had been hit by a car that weekend, I'd probably be in Aspen with Oprah right now.


You look like a lion tamer's assistant, only the lion ate your pants.


Nate: Wow! This is such a great reveal.
Abby: Reveal?
Nate: I left my wife.

What you're doing is actually more intimate. It's emotional infidelity and that is so brutal on the spouse, trust me. Ask Jake, or Nate's wife... or me.


I remember. I remember everything. Fatah is still my asset.


Constance: I am dismissing you as my briefer. Effective immediately.
Charlie: Thank you for your time, madam President.

The presidency is only as good as the people who serve it. I am only as good as the people i can trust. You tell me what happened in Kabul.

Constance (to Charlie)

I don't tell you how to be the Chief of Staff, don't tell me how to do my job.


It's never a sunny day with you, Charlie.


So once again, I should just take your word?

Constance (to Charlie)