Mark's always had the wrong idea about me. Let's just leave it at that.


Klaus: Our mother, Elijah, the woman brought us into the world, made us what we are, and the whole time she lied to me. She made me weak.
Elijah: You were never weak Niklaus. You are and you have always been the most fierce of us all. In a thousand years, I have never seen anyone successfully stand against you, not even our wicked father, not one of the countless devoted to your destruction. You will protect our home, even in the face of an adversary such as our mother because that, brother, that is what you do.
Klaus: You remain ever the wise counsel, brother. The rest of the family could learn something from you.

By the way, thanks for your help tonight, Elijah. I'm sorry that it takes me being in danger for you to even talk to me.


You rant and rave about the monster I have become, but you, mother, you are the author of everything I am.


[to Hayley] What besides love inspires such pain and cruelty? And Esther? Her love is very, very strong.


Finn: What an aromatic Bordeaux!
Klaus: Well it was a challenge to find a good pairing. What wine goes well with treachery?

[to Gia] I've known that man 200 years. He's cranky. He's fussy. He can ride your last nerve. But he has an Achilles' Heel, okay? He can't help trying to fix what's broken.


No, you don't get to ignore me for days and then suddenly act like you're concerned, Elijah. Just for once, would you please trust me that I say I will do something and it will get done?


[to Klaus] Well, every good story needs a wicked witch. It'll be all the more satisfying when we melt her.


Hawley: Cut me some slack okay. It's my first real life monster.
Abbie: You deal in supernatural armaments Hawley.
Hawley: Do people who sell Christmas trees all believe in Santa Claus?

The Weeping Lady, local legend goes back to Colonial days. She's the ghost of a woman who drowned in the Blind Brook river. Dripping wet, glowing green eyes whole nine.


Ichabod: I was regretfully unaware of Ms. Caroline's affections for me.
Abbie: Anyone could tell that girl had a case of Crane on the brain.