Hank: What's he on?!
Emma: Bath salts!

Are you here to fingerpaint or to speeddate the orderlies?

Radley Nurse

Hanna: I thought we were meeting for lunch.
Caleb: What time is it?
Hanna: Uh, half past I'm hungry.

Some of us know how to keep our mouths shut.


Are you in town just to see Hank.


Stealing is a big part of baseball, though, so....


Hank: What's she getting into?
Evan: A chauffeured Bentley.

Well ship is in port now---so tell me everything!


April: Leo? Did you pay for my fertility treatment?
Leo: You? Fertility? Eggs. Ewww.

Let's just say there's an upside to sleeping with a perfectionist.


I don't care. No one else dies. Everyone on that list, everyone on that dead pool -- it doesn't matter if they're wendigos or werewolves or whatever -- I'm gonna save every one.


Malia: Maybe we need to do something different. Maybe we need to think like Stiles.
Derek: Like a hyperactive spaz?
Malia: Like a detective.