Regina: Her dad just died!
Wes: Does that give her the right to break the law? She cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars! She forced us into bed with Coto! This is your project too!

Counselor: OK everyone, gather around. We're about to announce your prom king and queen.
Bay: Oh. Exciting. Let's see who the prettiest, most popular, most superficial couple in the school is.
Natalie: Cool!
Bay: This is a joke, right?

Quiet, antidote.

Eric [to Sarah]

When a good thing gets destroyed, that's the definition of unfair to me.


Even as the cure, you're still the fucking problem.

Sookie [to Sarah]

From the very first moment that we met, you reminded me of what it was like to have my human heart. The problem was, it was only a memory. All I had was my darkness to give you in return.

Sookie [to Bill]

Gus's man: You're a brave girl, brave and stupid.
Sookie: So I've been told.

No more blame, forgive yourself, and let me go.

Tara [to Lettie Mae]

Helen of Troy, Cleopatra, they were shells; beautiful to look at but hollow once penetrated.


Damn right I'm lying to myself. I lie to myself every day, sometimes every hour of every day. And sometimes that's not even enough, because if people think that there's no hope, they damn better believe that I think there is.


Chandler: God dammit. He had to send her.
Tex: Right? I mean I was standin' right there. She could have passed me the note.

Did you really think that your DNA could save the human race.
