Dom, as much as I hate to admit it, totally has it together. He doesn't need you. He just loves you.


A couple of weeks ago he wanted to have a baby with me and today he was very smiley and extremely generous with baked goods.


I can't stop thinking of April. I want to buy her a pony.


I need to see what cuts I can get my hands on.


Provenza: Are you telling me that women were interested in this creep?
Flynn: See? You should never give up.

Flynn: Any idea why his boss was up in the middle of the night on his computer?
Sykes: Why are men ever up late at night on their computers?

Malia: How much am I worth?
Scott: $4 million.
Stiles: Are you OK?
Malia: Yeah. Scott's worth 25, Kira's 6; they'll take you guys out way before me.
Stiles: It's progress, it's progress.

No. I've never been in Scott's bed. Just on it. Wearing clothes.


I left the love of my life in a hole like garbage and now she's back.


Scott: Malia, you studied harder for this than any of us.
Malia: It doesn't mean I'm gonna do good.
Stiles: Well.
Malia: Well what?
Stiles: It's do well, not good.
Malia: Oh God!

  • Permalink: Oh God!
  • Added:

Scott: Why would someone use all this money just to kill us?
Stiles: Someone wants you dead, dude. Badly.

You are not my mother. You have never been my mother.
