And that's how it goes kids. The friends, neighbors, drinking buddies and partners in crime you love so much when you're young, as the years go by, you just lose touch.


You take a man's wife before you take his accidental curly.


No more books Ted. I don't like the person you become when you read books.


Ted: Singles tables are cruel. I mean what if you went to a wedding and there was a table of all fat guys?
Marshall: That would be awesome.

You are more and more like your Daddy every day but he never drilled this ranch and mark my words, neither will you.


I still can't believe you excavated the entire tank. It's so wasteful, unnecessary and expensive. It's so American. I love it.


Brennan: If you disappoint me, I will dismiss you.
Fuentes: How Cuban of you. She is fiery.
Cam: Yes. Be careful. We've all been burned.

Booth: OK. You're saying that Jesus and Superman are the same?
Brennan: Jesus walks on water. Superman flies. No different.

Christopher: So if you need any advice from someone who's been through this before, with the same bride.
John Ross: That's the last one of those you're going to get, cousin.

You've looked the other way your whole life Mama. One more time's not going to hurt.

John Ross

Apparently the blood of JR runs too pure in your veins.

Sue Ellen

If you know what's best for you, you'll stop sleeping with my daughter.
