Hannah: I know that this is complicated, but I also know that we can work it out.
Adam: Well I'm sick of trying to work it out. Can't one thing ever be easy with you?

This is exactly what I thought would happen. This is exactly why I didn't wanna see you.

Adam [to Hannah]

This is where i live. You know, I'd have to find new friends, I'd have to find a new place to buy yogurt. Plus I don't really know if writing is something that can be taught.


I'm really intuitive about these things. I've predicted two of my friends divorces, one pregnancy, and a couple of natural disasters.


It came from like a deep place of insecurity. I'm not proud, at all.


Thank you, it's really helpful to know you were a fuck-up too.

Shoshanna [to Marnie]

BD I'm not gonna help you kill yourself. Really I can not keep having this discussion. The first day I thought it was colorful and cute, but now it's just getting bizarre.


If you're here to tell me what a bad person I am, I don't wanna hear it. Seriously I know. And no I have not told Shoshanna yet but I will and I fucking know I have to do it. And I know that I need to have more respect for the emotional property of other women and I know that I use sex for validation because it's what I do.


You know we're not gonna find out of course, we want it to be a surprise, but I can feel the labia forming. This is a woman.


After Jacob died I blamed myself because I taught him to love the river.


Lucille: Henry, I don't care if that boy was a stranger we met on the street. The man I married would never treat a child this way.
Henry: Our son is in that tomb. You know what that means Lu? There are two. Now what am I supposed to do with that?

If it can be broken, that means it still works.
