OK. Look, I'm sorry for comin' by and I'm sorry for whatever part I played in this, but if you honestly think that I'm the sole reason that you and Joel are having problems then you're fooling yourself. And if you really want your marriage back, you're going to have to dig a little deeper.


Page: Lady Kenna requests a visit, your majesty.
King Henry: No.
Page: She requests that I inform you that she's naked under her robe.
King Henry: Send her in.

Must I do everything? Shall I catch my head in my own hands, too?

Queen Catherine

Marie de Guise: Mary may be Scotland's queen, but I am its king.
Queen Catherine: Has Scotland noticed that its king has rather overexposed breasts?

Marie de Guise: Marry Francis--not some bastard who might be king some day.
Mary: His name is Sebastian.

So I sent you here to wed a king and find you engaged to a bastard.

Marie de Guise

Ben, stop! This is like listening to a Ted Talk by the color beige!


If all goes well, this might be one of the last times I get to speak to you.


You are the world’s most adorable and I LOVE YOU! You are so freakin’ precious!


Once again, Pawnee citizens might tolerate/ignore me!


He now has that look that only comes with the pride of labor. Or…he pooped. Either way, I’ve never been prouder.


My son is several weeks old. He is very familiar with the sound of power tools.
