Stop. I have to lie everywhere else. Don't make me do it here. You know. You know I killed Dad.

Danny [to Karen]

When you put it like that, it sounds amazing...AND like prison.


That's not really an airtight theory. I mean I know she does pilates but do you really think she could move a body?

Jo [about Karen]

Jess: Why does your bottom need to breathe?
Nick: It's like a plant. It needs sun and air.

Danny the man you idolized never existed. The real person was a terrible man and you have no reason to feel guilty.


You're Abby Freakin' Day. You can do whatever you want. Except vote.


I believe you and Jo believes you. People need to know that you're not a killer. Are you really willing to live with a lie forever?


Quit sorting through my trash, Coach! You're messing it all up!


What makes Abby's jewelry so interesting is that it is dangerous and can cut you


Danny: They know. They know what I did.
Jo: No Danny, what we did.

As you may have yet to realize, Cami, the line between what brings us pain and what sustains us is far thinner than one imagines.


Wow. Things I never thought I'd be doing. Feeding a vampire. My 16 year old self would think I'm really cool right now.
