I was like some heroine from a lost Tennessee Williams play.


Fantastic. I will go upstairs and fill this with my dignity.


Don't get up. I don't want to accidentally run into your mouth again.

Hanna (to Holbrook)

Will you make sure real teacher gets this?

Emily (to Ezra)

Tony: You're enjoying this a little too much, aren't you Eugene?
Coyle: Just doing my job.

Palmer: I've always been fascinated by private detectives.
Ducky: Yes, I would venture that's because you were influenced by the great literary British detectives. Sherlock Holmes, Jane Marple. They were all intelligent, cultured, articulate, refined. Not shady and unethical, like this hustler, this miscreant.
Abby: I like Ace Ventura.
Ducky: Who?

Don't be seduced by his charm. He's self-centered, a one-man wrecking crew who leaves disaster in his wake.


She's a probie. Besides, Tony did a whole lot worse to me.


Coyle: What is with you people? I am not the enemy. I am conducting a mandatory agent-involved shooting investigation.
Abby: Well I don't like it when people mess with my team.

Liz Allen: I think my husband's having an affair.
Tony: Unbelievable. A guy'd have to be nuts to cheat on a dame like you.

I found my soul-mate. I'm getting married.

Tony Sr.

Tony: Don't be stupid, probie. I can make your life miserable. Just ask McGee.
Bishop: We saw your father at the hotel with a woman.
Tony: And?
Bishop: And she's very beautiful.
Tony: And?
Bishop: Very young. And, she's very pregnant.