If my people found out I put them at risk to save a nice but very chatty human, there will be consequences. Bad ones. For both of us.


I've been in a hospital half my life and even I know the way to a boy's heart is not through his dead father's passion project.


I lost half of my tribe. Those who survived were gunned down by your bitch guards. But you don't see me wrapping myself in ribbon like a birthday present now do you?


You've been in school a week and you already have boy problems? School is phenomenal.

Julia [to Emery]

Ted: It's funny. In a moment like that, when what's really happening is too intense to deal with, sometimes it's best...
The Mother: To leave it unspoken and just enjoy each others company instead.

Ted: She walks down the aisle. You say your vows, you go to the reception, you have your first dance. Before you know it, just like magic, you realize, it's a perfect fit.
Barney: You're right Ted, this is the one.

Is it weird to get married in a suit that you may have worn while banging a female rodeo clown? I know what you're wondering. Yes the carpet matched the drapes.


Barney: I need you to help me pick the suit I'm gonna wear when I walk down the aisle.
Ted: Ok, Robin walks down the aisle you wait at the end of it.
Barney: Ok then the suit I'll be wearing when they all stand as I enter the chapel.
Ted: Also her.

Gabe: I need you to tell me where you stand right now. Are you with me or are you with him?
Cat: I'm with you.
Gabe: Then I need you to tell Vincent that.

Gabe: Wait, what is that?
Cat: The jaws of life.

Cat: What are you doing here?
Vincent: What are you doin' here?
Cat: I asked you first.
Vincent: What are you, like six? I'm trying to look for Sam's next victim.

Vincent: How would you know what Catherine thinks?
Gabe: Because she's staying at my place, not yours.