Kathryn: I can't believe you did this.
John: If it's adventure you want, it's adventure you'll get.

Angelo: You know what I learned this summer?
Bay: That Vasquez women have terrible cleaning habits?
Angelo: Well, yes, but also that if you're willing to yell at me that you're really my daughter.

Congratulations. You figured out a way to make art instead of excuses.


You make me see the world differently. You changed everything about me. I love you just the way you are.

Mary Beth

You have to paint a memory. Who says it has to be yours?


I woke up one day and learned I wasn't Bay Kennish, and the only way I got through that was because of art and if that gets taken away from me, I don't know...


You will yell, scream, point fingers, anything so you don't have to change. Not one bit.


I like your spirit Kennish.


He's odd, he's angry, he's uncomfortable in his own skin.

Lorraine [about Adam]

Margo: What's Hannah going to do with engagement ring?
Lorraine: She's going to wear it on her fucking finger when she gets engaged.

I always promised myself I'd never get married until I had a swimming pool in my living room.


Great about med school, so exciting! How are the hot doctors-to-be? I always watch Grey's Anatomy. I never miss an episode.
