I don’t know if Miranda moved the needle out here, but she certainly saved my life in there.


At some point you’re gonna move in with your dad and you’re gonna meet some new girls at school. Maybe I’ll find some nice dead boy to hook up with.

Miranda [to Caleb]

So somewhere between sealing a pact a century ago and being dug up in my yard yesterday, this knife was in your nightmare as a kid. How is that possible?

Luke [to Remy]

What if suddenly I’m evil’s puppet?


Caleb: Last time you were out you were tricked by demons into a haunted house so...
Miranda: Yeah well I'm smarter now, I've got a strict policy against walking through glowing doorways.

You tap that Cliff! You tap that into the sunset!


I don't know, I got a sex date with a 2 which means she's a Chicago 4 which means she's a Wisconsin 9.


I know that cry anywhere. That is the sound of a man that's had his heart broken.


Every great love story also has an end. And when your love story ends, all you can do is cry, listen to sad music and drink wine that you bought from a gas station.


I'm pretty sure I'm having a heart attack, and I haven't arranged for anyone to clear my browser history. I wasn't building a bomb, I was just curious.


Jess: Have you guys been baking?
Coach: Aww, nah--a bakery downtown exploded, don't bother looking into it, it's not on the internet.

A lot of people never graduated high school! Einstein! Bill Gates! Anne Frank! I'm gonna take back that last one.
