Not as scary as having to live in "Casa de Addams Family" with you two!


Archer: I realize now that I was mistaken
Lana: Aww, what a scary new feeling for you.

Archer: Since when?
Malory: Since this new thing called "always?"

Nora: What?
Aidan: Um...I can smell it? I'm sorry!
Nora: Oh my God!
Aidan: Now I'm horrified!
Nora: Is that like an ongoing skillset?
Aidan: No. Well...
Nora: So in all the time we've known each other and all the time we've lived together, you could...
Aidan: It just kind of comes with the territory of being a vampire! There's not much I can do about that.
Nora: Great!

  • Permalink: Great!
  • Added:

It's definitely my genetic material.

Adam [about the tooth necklace]

Hello my name is Marnie Michaels. I am prominently featured in many of Hannah's essays.


I leave my body during sex. It's called disassociation. It's an anxiety symptom.


It's really amazing that all three of you have accomplished so little in the four year since college.


Oh and you guys remember Adam from my period of mental illness.

Hannah [to her parents]

If you don't tell me what you're sick with I can't help you. And furthermore, I can't care.


You should feel very confident because I am a lot better at this when I'm not in the middle of an Obsessive Compulsive Meltdown.


Many believe there is no such thing as too much love. that its warmth is a comfort from which we never tire. But when love turns to obsession, it consumes itself. The flame that nourished becomes merciless, angry, an all consuming blaze. Leaving us confused by the chill in the air and the hate left behind.
