Cassie: The Witness has his own machine?
Cole: We need to find it.

This is exactly where we're supposed to be. Home.


Cassie: Where is the Witness?
Tall Man: He's safe. One of two travelers outside of time. You brought him here Cassandra. The Witness is here... Mother.

Ramse: Well that took you long enough brother.
Cole: Saving your ass takes time.

Cole: What are you doing here?
Cassie: What are you doing here?
Cole: The house? It's mine. I bought it.
Cassie: Why this house?
Cole: I was driving by, saw the for sale sign.

Cassie: You're one of the twelve. You're a Messenger.
Charlie: I was, but I won't be. Not to her. I can't hurt her.
Cassie: I don't want to hurt her either.
Melinda: Charlie, today is the day I die.
Cassie: She's Primary, if you paradox her you'll destroy everyone. Everything.

We only have two days left to stop a paradox that will destroy the world and we don't have a single lead.


This whole world could eat shit and die, wouldn't matter if you were together.


Spend any time in the hospital? Draw things you see in your head? Monkeys? Hear voices, talking about things that haven't happened yet? Red forest? Green to red?


It's not there. I used the tracker and the coordinates. Nothing is there. I scouted the entire area. You're wrong Ramse, Titan doesn't exist.


Cassie: I never asked to be free of you. You coward, you know that's not why you left me. You left me because you're in love with me. I've always known Cole.
Cole: And you kept pushing me away. So that in the end, you wouldn't have anything to lose. And now you don't.

Look out for the strange ones. Being Primary is like being schizophrenic. Look for people who twitch, talk to themselves, don't fit in with others. People who stand out.


12 Monkeys Quotes

About four years from now, most of the human race is gonna be wiped out by a plague; a virus. All we know is that it's because of a man named Leland Frost. I have to find him.


What if you could take it back? All of it? A reset switch? You'd hit it right? You'd have to.
