Tracy: You can be a freaky-deeky and do data entry!
Liz: Sure.
Tracy: Or how about court reporting?

Jack: Never go with a hippie to a second location.
Liz: I need to do that thing that rich people do where they turn money into more money. Can you teach me how to do that?
Jack: With my eyes closed.

Jack: So what are you gonna do with your money? Put it into a 401K?
Liz: Yeah, I gotta get one of those.
Jack: What?! Where do you invest your money, Lemon?
Liz: I've got like 12 grand in checking.
Jack: Are you an immigrant?

Jack: I think Angie is right-handed so you have to work her clockwise.
Liz: Wait, you've already thought about fighting her?
Jack: Every time I meet a new person I figure out how I'll fight them. You have a gimpy right knee, right?

Tracy: I'm whipped! Angie got me up at 7:30 today. Did you know that in the morning, they have food, TV, almost everything. It's pretty good.

Kenneth: I like your top. I'm a real good sex person. I do it all the different ways.
Angie: Uh-huh. Well, I don't have a husband any more, so... you can come over anytime.
Kenneth: Oh, I will! I'll come over at night.

Oh check this out! My key to the city of Gary, Indiana. Mmmm, look at this! My gold record from my novelty party song. cut to "Werewolf Bar Mitzvah" music video, Tracy singing] Werewolf bar mitzvah, spooky scary. Boys becoming men, men becoming wolves.


Lemon, women your age are more likely to get mauled at the zoo than get married.


Jack: All of my summer replacement shows were big hits - America's Next Top Pirate, Are You Stronger Than A Dog, MILF Island.
Liz: MILF Island?
Jack: 25 super hot moms, 50 eighth grade boys, no rules.
Liz: Oh yeah, didn't one of those women turn out to be a prostitute?
Jack: That doesn't mean she's not a wonderful, caring MILF.

Pete: [on missing Tracy] Oh, I hope he's okay.
Liz: I hope he's taking his medication.
Kenneth: And I hope he take a jacket, 'cause it can get real chilly there.

Tracy: Kenneth should have given you the code word.
Jesse: What?
Tracy: That's it!

It was so funny, I nearly wet m' other pair of underpants!
