Well, they make our shoes and wallets.


Global warming? Sorry, sir, that's just scientist talk. The same people who say my grandfather was a monkey. If that's true, why was he killed by a monkey?


I can't afford this place by myself, and judging from your shoes and teeth, you can't either.


Dealbreaker, the book for you, man no good, by Lesbian Flower Sour Fruit. [Chinese translation of Dealbreakers cover]

Who said I've been alive forever?


[on her dinner plans] I do! I bought an Activia microwaveable panini!


I've worked here for three years. I gave you that car I won?


Lemon has a decision to make. She can either be crushed by me, or she can suck in her stomach and crawl back through the tiny hole I've left for her in the proverbial door.


Miss Maroney, your Mexican diet pills came. Should I start taking them to test their side effects?


Last week I was just this street performer getting 50 bucks a day and getting memory loss from all the silver paint fumes, and now I'm... um ...


He knows you're special, like a black stripper with blue eyes.


Jack: Two questions: must I live by Superman's moral code and will the woman get older?

30 Rock Season 4 Quotes

My dear friend Moby just opened a tea house in Park Slope. Do you know him?


We'll trick those race car-loving wide loads into loving your, watching your lefty homoerotic propaganda hour yet!
