Owen: Someone should come up with a term for people who are better not together.
Gwyn: There is a term for that. Friends with Benefits. 

Bartender: I've seen you here before, right? 
T.K.: Yeah, were you here the night Crusher got impaled? I was one of the firefighters who responded.
Bartender: Firefighter, huh? Sign me up for the calendar.
Carlos: And his boyfriend is a cop. 

Mateo: Oh, so you know this guy?
Salim: Only our whole lives.
Mateo: You Marjan's brother or something? 
Marjan: Salim's my fiance.

911 Operator: 9-1-1 what's your emergency?
Guest: It's worse than the red wedding.

Wedding Planner: From what I can tell only the people who had the fish got sick, though I can't say we got a lot of compliments on the chicken either.
Judd: Score one for red meat.

Paul: I didn't see a lot of heat coming from you two last night.Marjan: Seripusly, you too?Paul: It's not a cultural thing, alright? it's just an observation. I didn't peg you two as a couple. 
Marjan: No, you thought he was my stalker 
Mateo: I thought he was your brother.
Marjan: Guys, your thinking is so Western. When you marry for chemistry, there's a 50% divorce rate. You know why ours is 10% lower? Because we don't start with heat. We believe love is something you grow into.

Marjan: This is a big deal. We've never had a date without a chaperone. Unmarried couples aren't really supposed to.
Paul: He's here for a reason.
Mateo: Reason, what reason?
Paul: He's tired of waiting. 
Marjan: I think you might be right.
Mateo: Tired of waiting for what?
Paul: The man is here to claim his bride, Probie.
Mateo: What? No, we had a deal. He's supposed to finish dental school first. Do we even know what kind of grades he's getting? This is wrong. You can't move to Miami now. You said we still had a few years.
Marjan: I thought we did. 

Carlos: So why does it have to be Miami? They have teeth in Texas. Why can't he just open up a dental practice here?
TK: Well, both their families are in Florida.
Carlos: Family. Right. Yeah, I get it. It takes a lot to leave that behind.
TK: Would you?
 Carlos: For the right person, sure. 

Salim: Look, I know you're not ready to get married, but I am. Just not to you. 
Marjan: What? Wait, are you breaking up with me?
Salim: Answer me one thing, Marjan. Have you ever been in love with me? 
Marjan: What? Of course, I love you.
Salim: No, that's not what I asked, in love I mean in romantically, I mean passion.

TK: Friend from work? If I was your friend from work, then what we did this morning would be very unprofessional.
Carlos: Yeah, HR would definitely have its hands full with that one.

T.K: I thought you were out to them?
Carlos: I am.
TK: Wow, well that's even worse. You're out to them, and you still didn't tell them that I'm your boyfriend.
Carlos: It's more complicated than that. 
TK: Can it be?
Carlos: Look, not all of us were raised in Manhattan with parents who couldn't tear the closet door off fast enough. My parents are more traditional. I just don't like to rub their noses in it.
TK: Rub their noses in it? You didn't want to rub their noses in the fact that you have somebody who loves you and you supposedly love back? I freed some more space in your closet, Carlos.

Love hurts, Marjan, but regret, that hurts a lot more.


9-1-1: Lone Star Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Bartender: I've seen you here before, right? 
T.K.: Yeah, were you here the night Crusher got impaled? I was one of the firefighters who responded.
Bartender: Firefighter, huh? Sign me up for the calendar.
Carlos: And his boyfriend is a cop. 

Owen: Someone should come up with a term for people who are better not together.
Gwyn: There is a term for that. Friends with Benefits.