Matthew: So you are a prisoner. Has the emporer lost patience with your empty promises?
Edward: You know nothing of my work!
Matthew: I know you stole the book.
Edward: No. The book is mine. It speaks to me. It screams! You have no claim! It begins with absence and desire.
It begins with blood and fear. It begins with a discovery of witches!

Diana: Even books that do not provide the answers we seek can still help us to ask better questions. Nothing is worthless to an enquiring mind.
Emperor Rudolf: The deepest truths will always come from the most unexpected sources.

Matthew: I didn't like the way he looked at you like a jewel he wanted to add to his collection.
Diana: Oh, I can handle a little clumsy flirting if it gets us closer to the book.

There must be no doubt that Diana is a De Clermont. Our family is made through blood. With this mark, you are dead, a shade. Not clan or kin. With this mark, you are reborn and forever a member of our family.


What am I becoming?


This newfound caution of yours has blunted your technique. Where is your might? Where is your thirst for blood? Where is my Mattieu!?!


I stepped out of your shadow a long time ago. I will not be a pawn anymore!


Matthew: I haven't lost control of myself for a very, very long time. I trained myself to hold the blood rage back, and I used genetics to try to understand it, try to find a cure.
Diana: Darling.
Matthew: It's Ysabeau who carries the honors. Luckily, she's spared of its effects. Luisa and I are not so fortunate. This is why we can never be truly mated.
Diana: Do you really think that I would ever walk away from you, my love, after all we've been through?
Matthew: This was but just a glimpse. You have no idea what I'm capable of. I'm a killer, Diana, and I've killed thousands. I was Philippe's weapon. He used me to eradicate the disease.
Diana: He made you his assassin.

Diana: You provoked and humiliated your own son! You exploited his pain! And for what? To drive me away!
Philippe: You needed to see the wolf behind the man. If you are to have a future together, you must accept every facet of him. And Matthew must be freed of the guilt that he carries.
Diana: You did this for us?
Philippe: Your union is forbidden in your time, too, or you would not be here. The two of you will face forces of great malevolence. You must be united, your faith in each other unwavering!
Diana: It already is.
Philippe: No. Your faith is worthless left untested. And Matthew. Matthew has less faith than anyone I have ever known.
Diana: He had faith in you, Philippe. All his life, he has tried to prove himself to you, and you used it against him. Your legacy is one of pain and recrimination.
Philippe: Who are you to lecture me?
Diana: I am worthy of your son.

Philippe: An ancient prophecy. It tells of a witch who will change the destiny of all creatures. Some believe that this fearsome witch will alter her understanding of life and the old world will die and the new will be born.
Diana: What do you believe?
Philippe: That you are power indeed.
Diana: Yes, I am. But I love your son, and that should be enough.

The prospect of one last message from Philippe, it's, it's almost too much to bear.


Matthew: Diana Bishop, will you marry me?
Diana: Of course, I will.

A Discovery of Witches Season 2 Quotes

Diana: I always told my students cities of the past would have smelled awful.
Matthew: Trust me, some parts do.
Diana: Not these parts.

Matthew: How am I supposed to protect you if you won't share things with me?
Diana: Alright. Where were you tonight?
Matthew: [seething] I told you. I had people I had to reach out to.
Diana: So it's OK for me to worry about you out there alone, but when I set foot outside-
Matthew: That's different, and you know it!
Diana: Is it? You don't protect me, Matthew. We protect each other. Book or no book, neither of us are getting home unless I find the right teacher. This woman, she is a gift. We should be grabbing it with both hands, not running scared.
Matthew: I've never run scared from anything in my life. I simply won't take risks where your safety is concerned.
Diana: Well, I'm not staying locked up in here. So either you find me that witch, or I will go out there and find her myself.