Diana: I bet you were an amazing father.
Matthew: Lucas gave me purpose, and he ignited a love I had never known.
Diana: I've seen a glimpse of that with Jack. I'm sorry we won't have children of our own. I'd like to leave you with family.
Matthew: You are all I need.
Diana: But in 60, 70 years, I'll be gone, and you'll live on for centuries, maybe millennia.

Philippe: Diana, the women in this family manage their own finances.
Diana: Thank you.
Philippe: This ring was Ysabeau's message to me, a seal of her approval. Here, wear this. I will be with you always as you will always be in my heart, my daughter.

Our son is happy at last, mated to a woman who walks in the footsteps of the goddess.


Diana: Which one opens the library?
Philippe: We do not lock up books in this house. Reading seldom leads to bad behavior.
Diana: You'd be surprised.

Philippe: When was the last time you fed?
Matthew: What?!
Philippe: It's a long journey; you probably had little opportunity to hunt.
Matthew: Are you actually asking me if I'm eating enough?

Philippe: You should have told me yourself about your witch.
Matthew: Diana.
Philippe: And yet, she is still a witch.
Diana: I am not just a witch; I'm a weaver.
Philippe: Do you think I am impressed by that? There is nothing new under the sun for me. I have lived a long life. I have seen things that you have only read about in history books.
Diana: Really. I've seen things that aren't even in the history books.
Matthew: Diana.
Diana: Yet.

Matthew: I wish I could prepare you for whatever is about to happen. Do not try and read Philippe. I spent centuries with my father, and I can never tell what he's thinking.
Diana: Ysabeau didn't exactly welcome me with open arms.
Matthew: Neither did I.
Diana: It's you I'm worried about. I can see how hard this has been. When we lose someone we love, we give anything to have them back, even if just for a moment. But, reality of that is quite different.
Matthew: Yes, I've lost so, so many people, but I've always found a place for them in my heart. But it is a wound that never heals, and when I see Philippe again, that wound will be ripped open.

Diana:This journey is so much harder than I ever thought it would be.
Matthew: Yes, I'm sorry.
Diana: I know it's just as hard for you. You know that no matter what, I am always yours.
Matthew: And I am yours. [lots of kissing]
Diana: Then let me have you.
Matthew: Not yet. Not now. In time.

Matthew: Decided to join us again, have you?
Diana: I only closed my eyes for a second.
Matthew: It's my fault. I should never have put your through this.
Diana: Wherever you go, I go.

One more thing; I love you entirely.


Louisa: Tell me. Am I better company than my brother?
Kit: Infinitely.

Marcus: If the baby does turn out to be a witch, you're going to need protection from the Congregation.
Nathanial: Screw the Congregation. Aren't we breaking the covenant already by living with a vampire?
Agatha: Daemons giving birth to witches would be unheard of. Sophie's birth may have gone unnoticed, but the granddaughter of a Congregation member would not.

A Discovery of Witches Season 2 Quotes

Diana: I always told my students cities of the past would have smelled awful.
Matthew: Trust me, some parts do.
Diana: Not these parts.

Matthew: How am I supposed to protect you if you won't share things with me?
Diana: Alright. Where were you tonight?
Matthew: [seething] I told you. I had people I had to reach out to.
Diana: So it's OK for me to worry about you out there alone, but when I set foot outside-
Matthew: That's different, and you know it!
Diana: Is it? You don't protect me, Matthew. We protect each other. Book or no book, neither of us are getting home unless I find the right teacher. This woman, she is a gift. We should be grabbing it with both hands, not running scared.
Matthew: I've never run scared from anything in my life. I simply won't take risks where your safety is concerned.
Diana: Well, I'm not staying locked up in here. So either you find me that witch, or I will go out there and find her myself.