Patricia: I was hoping to find the right time to say this, but I left your father. This way, right?
Gary: I swear she did not text me any of this! 

I'm telling the truth because we don't lie to each other, right dad?


She's so cute. She's got Jon's eyes, right?


Why is it crazy that I don't want my son finding out I've been lying to him his whole life?


Gary: A lot of parents get divorced. My parents got divorced --
Maggie: They're not getting divorced. They're just using permanent words to describe temporary feelings.

There's just so many people I feel like I'm failing. Especially Jon.


Maggie: I just got chills.
Gary: You're under a vent. 

The only thing I'm sure about is that I need to be there for him.


Andrew: I've opened six successful restaurants
Gina: Yet this is the only one you ever seem to be at. 

Katherine: What's all this?
Eddie: When he heard you went to the Grand Canyon he wanted to be like you. So we went camping, and I didn't feel right sleeping in the bed without you.

Katherine: When I was at home in the room I grew up in, I saw all of my awards, all my ribbons -- everything I worked for everything had its place. It was perfect. And then I remembered a time in my life when it wasn't as a second-year law student, I was so stressed out, and I went to this random concert to blow off some steam and there was this rockstar on stage. He was sexy and cool. He didn't give a damn what anyone thought of him. My friends dared me to go up to him after the show. He and I went for a drink, and my life was never the same. I spent my whole life planning for tomorrow, and you taught me to live for today.
Eddie: And you taught me to live for tomorrow, and I really want a tomorrow with you.

Eddie: How do we get back there? How do we become those people again?
Katherine: Well, that's just it Eddie. With this baby, we cant, but maybe we shouldn't. You know I was thinking about what Theo said about the Grand Canyon; how the erosion over time gave way to something beautiful. Maybe instead of trying to get back to what we were, we figure out what we're going to be. I'm not sure what that is right now. Don't go to Maggie's. I need you to stay and help me get through this.
Eddie: I'll do anything for you, Katie.

A Million Little Things Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

I'm telling the truth because we don't lie to each other, right dad?


Patricia: I was hoping to find the right time to say this, but I left your father. This way, right?
Gary: I swear she did not text me any of this!