Tommy, look, I know I screwed up, just please call me back. Just give me a chance to apologize in person. Please.


Emily: Nobody normal would want me.
Nick: I want you!
Emily: Then you gotta be crazy!

Nick: You saved my life today.
Julianne: Did I?
Nick: Tyler had us pinned down and he wasn’t going to stop. I got him on the reload, he was too slow.
Julianne: He wasn’t military trained, packing more heat than he knew what to do with.
Nick: Which I knew because of the profile.

Look, Nick, every team has a leader and Boston is going to sleep safe tonight because of you.


Jack: Today was tough and well, when things get tough I usually head to the bar.
Alice: But you didn’t get a drink. That’s progress, not perfection.

A Fentanyl shot, it’s like using a cannon instead of a gun to do the job.


Look, guys I served with in Iraq were broken by less, and she’s still here.


Julianne: Tyler is smart. He likes fantasy, military history, the politics came later.
Nick: After he was disqualified from the army.
Julianne: Yeah, he wanted to be the big man with the big gun but he couldn’t pull it off.

Colin: I didn’t tell you a damn thing.
Nick: Yet that’s not what your fellow Guardians are going to think when I tell the press that you ID’d them all.
Colin: You think they’re going to believe a bunch of corrupt Feds?
Nick: Well, you know better than I do that a little confusion and a lot of fear goes a long way.

Lester: You find the bastard who did it.
Emily: They’ll pay, I promise.

Alice: Do you know what it’s like to try so hard and still feel like you’re failing?
Jack: Kinda, yeah.

Alice: Are you even listening?
Nick: I just got a break in the case. I’ve got to go.
Alice: Of course you do. Well, thanks for punching in.
Nick: I’m doing my best. You know that right, or were you just playing the role of understanding wife in front of the shrink?

Absentia Season 2 Quotes

I’m not a drunk, Jack, that’s your thing.


Emily: Oh, Christ.
Warren: Not quite. Just your Dad.