Jiro: You know, once I left for college, I never looked back. I left her to do everything for Osam. She never went on vacation. She never even took a day off.
Sarah: It made her happy. She wanted you to live your life.
Jiro: Or maybe she wanted to spare me the guilt.

Jiro: Words matter. When you make a promise, people expect you to keep it.
Vidal: Don’t talk to me like a child. I don’t have brain damage.

I’ve made mistakes and for those,I’m sorry. But I can’t plead guilty if it means they won’t let me bring my brother home. I’m begging you, please, let me do it right this time.


I was angry. Yes, of course I was. But not paranoid. I’d seen the bruises, okay? I saw the look in my brother’s eyes. I knew, in my gut, that someone was hurting him. And no one seemed to care.


What if he is dangerous? What if they are hiding something? I made a promise to my mother that Sam would be okay after she is gone. He is not okay, Sarah.


Attorney: You have been repeatedly offered a plea bargain in this case. One that would allow you to avoid prison time altogether.
Jiro: Yes, you’ve advised me to accept it.
Attorney: Why won’t you?
Jiro: Because accepting the plea would disqualify me from applying to become my brother’s legal guardian, which is what I should have done after our mother died. And for that, I’m truly sorry.

Is there an emoji for race traitor? There should be.


Esme: Do you really think this is healthy? Trolling the internet as a white supremacist? Sweetie, you've been at this for a week now and it's driving you crazy.
Aaliyah: No, the fact that our friend Jordan is in a body cast and may never walk again is driving me crazy.

88: What's a girl like you doing here?
Esme: Making a living.
88: Yeah, but how do you stand it? The smell of them walking down the street -- they leave a residue.
Esme: It's brown, flush it down, right? My daddy had that on his bumper, back when we were allowed to have free speech.

Aaliyah: It's ok.
Esme: No, it's not. That's why I moved here to get away from that. Can we just? I really want to go home.

Esme: There was blood all over the street. And you know what I did? Nothing. I just watched.
Aaliyah: You were a kid.
Esme: But I'm not anymore.

Esme: My whole life, I thought I was brave for getting out. But I wasn't. I was always just running scared. Always. I'm sick of it. I love you. I need to go.
Aaliyah: Please don't go.
Esme: I need to go. I'm sorry.