Did you forget your land? You're Dine'. All of us! We're all Dine'. Your umbilical cord and my umbilical cord... our umbilical cord is buried here. We're the reason you have a place to even come back to. And you set us up.


Derek: I was in prison 3 months and I couldn't take it. I would have died there.
Naataanii: And where do you think we're all gonna go now?

White man's justice. It's a bitch, right?

FBI Agent

Jamie: It'sa nice place.
Robyn: Hasn't changed much. Guess you were a little distracted? Last time?

Kevin: Who was it Jamie?
Jamie: What?
Kevin: A family friend, little league coach? Yeah, she told me. but you listen to me! Whatever happened to you didn't make you gay. That's not how it works.

We can't keep doing this. Same fights over and over. You know I love you, but facts are facts.


He hates me because he hates himself. He would rather take me down than admit the truth.


Date: What do you do for fun?
Kevin: Oh the usual stuff: movies, concerts, masturbate. I also perform on the weekends.
Date: Oh dope, you're a musician?
Kevin: I do drag, actually.
Date: Really?... Uh I don't know I'm not really into the whole femme scene.
Kevin: Masc for masc only?

Jamie: You by yourself here?
Robyn: Just my name on the lease.
Jamie: And what name is that?
Robyn: Kevin.
Jamie: What's he like?
Robyn: Dull, but he pays the bills.

Natalie: You like champagne?
Kevin: Oh, don't tempt me with a good time.

I started hitting him too. It felt good, until it didn’t.


Whoever did this will go down, the only question is how hard they fall.

Detective Douglas