Melinda: You taking a punch for me. I don’t need your protection.
Ward: You think I don’t know that. I took that punch because you’re faster than me. You can do more good on your feet. It was tactical not personal.
Melinda: My mistake.
Ward: I’m not some recruit who can’t separate church from state. I’m on the same page as you. So don’t flatter yourself.

Coulson: They couldn’t have a psychic. They’re not on the index. They’re a myth.
Skye: So is Thor.

Ward: She wasn’t level 7 sir?
Coulson: She was a cellist, second chair. Portland Symphony; saw her play whenever I was in town. Ever see a beautiful woman play the cello?
Ward: nun-uh.
Coulson: It’s something else.

I’m just saying this could easy go sideways. The last time we saw this guy he was a raging homicidal manic [Mike walks up] He’s standing right behind me, isn’t he?


Skye: It would be a lot shorter if I could access more files. Maybe remove my internet nanny. I’m talking about my track bracelet.
Coulson: I got that.
Skye: So you’ll take it off?
Coulson: No.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 1 Episode 10 Quotes

I’m just saying this could easy go sideways. The last time we saw this guy he was a raging homicidal manic [Mike walks up] He’s standing right behind me, isn’t he?


Skye: It would be a lot shorter if I could access more files. Maybe remove my internet nanny. I’m talking about my track bracelet.
Coulson: I got that.
Skye: So you’ll take it off?
Coulson: No.