I don't know what happened to him. If he's alive or dead. But I never would have survived without him.


Will: That thing has been killing everyone that's come through here for centuries.
Jemma: How long have people known about the monolith? And why keep sending people when there's no way back? It's as if they're being sacrificed.

Jemma: Perhaps it's best if we start over since we're going to be working together.
Will: Working together? On what?
Jemma: On getting home.
Will: There's no getting home. Sooner you accept that the better. Survival's all that matters.
Jemma: I will not accept that. There's always hope.

Everyone always said we could read each others minds, Fitz. So, I really need you to read mine right now. I'm alive, but I'm terribly alone and afraid. So I really need you to come and get me, okay? I know you won't give up, so I won't either.


Jemma: You were right, there's no hope on this planet.
Will: That's what I used to think. Then you showed up.

Will: If you're not with NASA, how did you get into the monolith?
Jemma: It's not with NASA anymore. It's with S.H.I.E.L.D. They've had it for quite some time. I'm not sure how or why.
Will: That's real, S.H.I.E.L.D?
Jemma: It was, I was recruited right out of the academy.
Will: I was a test pilot for the Air Force, recruited by NASA. Now here I am.
Jemma: Here we are. At least you volunteered.
Will: Yeah.

This is Doctor Jemma Simmons updating the file on the monolith Fitz and I have been studying. I now know that it is an alternating matter transportation device. A portal. Quite remarkable really, I've been transported to an unknown planet. In a different solar system.


Coulson: Mr. Frye we can help you, but you have to trust me. This Lash is not some angel of mercy.
Frye: No, he's no angel. He's just a guy trying to do the right thing.

Simmons: I know you're looking for signs of PTSD, but I assure you I'm fine.
Garner: You've been through something pretty extreme. There will be after-effects, and that's okay. It's okay to struggle.

Coulson: Where are you taking the victims?
Rosalind: That's classified. Oh, it's not fun when it's you, right? Can't believe I just said that to the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Coulson: You know, I'm really not feeling the spirit of cooperation here.

Daisy: You are not cursed. You are not some horrible thing. I know, because you taught me that I wasn't. You convinced me that I had a purpose. That maybe my life wasn't over, but just getting somewhere. Please let me do the same for you.
Lincoln: You're wasting your time caring about me.
Daisy: I can't help it.

Lincoln: John, what's up? What's wrong?
John: You just stay where you are. Don't touch me.
Lincoln: Wait, What is going on?
John: They'll be here any minute.
Lincoln: Who did you call?
John: I called the hotline. They said that you're dangerous. Lincoln, they said that you killed people.
Lincoln: I never killed anyone.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 3 Quotes

Mack: We lost Fitz again huh? He out there chasing down another ghost story?
Bobbi: He has a theory.
Mack: He's always got a new theory. That's why he locked up that damn rock and won't let anyone in.
Bobbi: He wouldn't dare go in there. He's not totally irrational. The process of digging just helps him cope.
Mack: No, it keeps him from coping. Look, I love the fact that he won't give up hope. I do. But the man's a scientist and the evidence is pointing one way.

Daisy: We try to protect people like you from the world, or from yourself. Unless we have to defend the world against you.
Joey: People like me? What is happening to me?
Daisy: You've experienced what's called a biomorphic event. Short version, your DNA changed.