May: Did you see that look?
Daisy: Maybe she's just racist.
May: Or starstruck.

If history's taught me anything, it's that good intentions don't come to anything unless there's a steady hand to guide them.


Ivanov: I didn't know a machine could be on edge.
Aida: It is not. I am simply recalibrating after a setback within the Framework.

I know no one wants to hear they're just an avatar in a digital prison, but sometimes that happens and here we are.

Simmons [to Mace]

One person in your life, one sentence, has the power to change you forever.

Radcliffe [to Daisy]

A team that trusts is a team that triumphs? That's a bit cheesy.

Mace [to Simmons]

Bee-tee-dubs, your psycho-prison sucks.

Daisy [to Madame Hydra]

Beaten to within an inch of her life. Nevertheless, she persisted.

Fitz [on Daisy]

Madame Hydra: I'm just trying to give people what they want. Why is that wrong?
Daisy: Because sometimes what people want isn't right for them.

If anyone could get you to wake up and realize this world isn't real, it's her. She loves you, and you love her.

Daisy [to Fitz]

Daisy: Why are you doing this, Fitz?
Fitz: It's Doctor Fitz.

What is it about that guy? Every time I see him, I get this weird itch. Like hives?

Coulson [to Simmons, about Ward]

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 4 Quotes

Fitz [on Aida]: It has bloody microexpressions!
Dr. Radcliffe: She.

The world knows her as Quake. And Quake is an outlaw who takes out banks and bridges.

Melinda May [on Daisy]