Ms. Patty is special. Smart and feisty, and her heart, well, it's solid gold. Ever since I moved to Philly last year seeing Patty has been the highlight of my day.


Jason: Is that about me?
Nikki: ISn't it always?

Wayne: How is it that you know so much about hip-hop?
Jason: Because I'm a G.

We're just going to keep pretending something isn't wrong?

Mike [to Nikki]

Kidnapper: Make the damn call, lady.
Ms. Patty: That gun supposed to scare me?

Español, mi amor, you're supposed to be learning Spanish. What happened to that?

Nikki [to Mike]

Mike: This place smells like a jockstrap.
Jay: that's soul you're smelling.

In what world does Michael B. Jordan beat Carl Weathers? It just doesn't happen!


What does Hollis Braun not want me to see?


Jay: How can I help?
Braun: It's more how I can help you. More specifically how I can help you help Captain Batista. She's doing good work here, but there's only one thing standing in her way, and that's you.

Mike: Maybe we should consider it. Do we start down that path; start our own cycle?
Nikki: I don't know. Maybe we should start with the wedding and then we go from there.

I'm not doing this for Isabel. I'm doing it for Gemma. What she did, it saved my life. So I will save hers.


Alert: Missing Persons Unit Season 2 Quotes

Nikki: You never mentioned Wayne is a woman.
Wayne: My parents had a sense of humor.

Hollis: MPU's closure rate is truly excellent. Truly stellar. But the Jason Grant situation, I know, you two have history, but he's a lawsuit waiting to happen, shooting at parked cars, turning the video off during interrogation.
Nikki: Detective Grant is also the best cop in Philly; my team all of us we focus on getting the job done.
Hollis: You want to explain how eggs play into that?
Nikki: One of my people is a shaman.
Hollis: One of my dogs likes to eat its own crap if I let him, but I don't because I know better. The thing is, you tick all my boxes, Nikki. I have many, so if you're not quite in control of your team, we'll get you there. Don't worry; I'm a world-class expert in making problems go away.