Playing dead convincingly is an underrated skill.


Sensitivity is such an unattractive quality.

Mr. Nancy

You do Wednesday's errands because no matter how much you claim you want a war to die in, you're too much of a fuckin' coward to find your own.


I have a long history of really shitty impulse control.


We wear the same skin but you do not know the nature of the land in which you dwell.

Will James

Better pissed off than pissed on.

Mr. Nancy

Race is no simple equation where one thing equals another.

Mr. Ibis

I trade in Truth. You give me truth and I give you what you want.


Here I am! Worship away!


Bilquis: I am sustained by the tranquility of love.
Reverand: God's love.
Bilquis: Something like that.

Monotheists like you, you got too big a piece of the pie. But if you do ever think of expanding who you worship and who you follow, then let me present myself as a fun-loving yet serious addition to your personal pantheon. Wednesday's the name, good times the game.


I am here to pick up two gentlemen from the city of Sodom. Hey! That reminds me! You must've been there, old friend. Tell me, how was the party? I mean, Yahweh can be such a prude.


American Gods Season 2 Quotes

Laura: I still don't understand how a sweet, old man could have so many enemies.
Wednesday: Oh, it's perfectly simple, my dear. Jealousy. Pure, unmitigated jealousy. They all want what I have, a good time wherever I go.

I can't sell war without my best salesman. You need to find her. Find Media.

Mr. World