Entropy leads logically to disorder. All systems evolve towards chaos. Even alliances with gods.


You sleepwalk through your life while you had one. Then I had you killed. Now, you're sleepwalking through your death. It's my hand up your skirt, puppet.


The gods only give gifts when they get something in return.


Change requires sacrifice.


The Truth doesn't care which version you prefer. The Truth is just information and information will win the war for you if you let it.


The advantage of love at first sight is that it doesn't require a second look.

Mr. Ibis

Mr. Ibis: You've changed since I last worked on you. The first time we met, you didn't believe in anything. But now? Well, it's definitely something.
Laura: I believe in Shadow.

Sweeney: You sure you want to leave the oaf?
Wednesday: Am I the only one who has faith in Shadow?
Sweeney: My faith is waning.
Wednesday: The quickest way for Shadow to get where he's going is sometimes the longest.

Wednesday: Betty. Betty the Barbarian. You were forged from blue-collar sweat in the heartland of a forcibly Christian land. You are not what you came into this world as but instead, a berserker and worthy of a berserker's honor....You are the standard of my world though it may not be your way. I honor you in the most holy way that I know. The looming locomotive is the flaming arrow that soars through the heavy air from the bow of a Viking king. Let it strike you true and light your path to Valhalla!
Mr. Nancy: Valhalla? Ain't nobody going to fucking Valhalla. I see you in Cairo.
Wednesday: You will dine at the table of the Hooded One. We will meet in your reincarnation. Be proud, Betty. Be proud.

Sweeney: Graveyards are full of flowers.
Laura: Yup. Just another dead girl in a field.

You're different. There's a light in you that's stronger than anything else....It's there....I gave it to you. I gave it to you every day.

Shadow's mother

Fatal flaw underestimating me. You think you can ghost in my machine? I am mankind's greatest achievement. I am the compass rose. I am fucking binary. Without me, shit don't spin.

Technical Boy

American Gods Season 2 Quotes

Laura: I still don't understand how a sweet, old man could have so many enemies.
Wednesday: Oh, it's perfectly simple, my dear. Jealousy. Pure, unmitigated jealousy. They all want what I have, a good time wherever I go.

I can't sell war without my best salesman. You need to find her. Find Media.

Mr. World