People who like you because you have cocaine aren't people you want as friends, Pam! And not to sound elitist, but neither are people who need a roll of quarters to take a shower!

We're talking about Texas. Somebody somewhere wants enough cocaine to forget they live there.

That's gotta be a real knee to the old emotional nut sack.


Ray: This quit being funny two hours ago!
Krieger: It's not supposed to be funny.

Malory: If we miss that taping, I won't be responsible for my actions.
Lana: Are you ever?

We're going eastbound and down!

Airplane air is so dry, plus you're breathing in God knows what those tuberculars in coach are...excuse me!?


If you'll excuse me, I have to remove my underwear with a blow torch.


Lana: Cheryl?
Cheryl: Nah, Cheryl's gone. I'm Cherlene now. And if somebody don't fry me 6 goddamn eggs and some Carolina fries I would personally be shocked, SHOCKED I tell ya, if by morning this place ain't burned to the ground.

I'll be watching you like a hawk. That's been bred with an produce some kind of eagle-eyed superhawk...with a badge.


Hawley: What do you people think the letters FBI stands for?
Archer: I bought a T-Shirt once that said "Female Body Inspector.

You wouldn't know the truth if it bit you on the ass and held on, would ya!


Archer Season 5 Quotes

Lana: Screw you, Mr My-mother's-a-lying-bitch-and-I'm-too-stupid-to-realize-my-life's-a-pathetic-joke!
Archer: Nice to meet you, Mrs Hello-my-kid's-from-a-sperm-bank-since-I-can't-keep-a-man-because-in-addition-to-my-jillion-neuroses-I-have-a-weird-looking-vagina!

Cheryl: You're all jealous of my fall-back career!"
Pam: As what, an ACTUAL acorn?