Archer: And Woodhouse, if you spend any of that on heroin, you better buy enough to OD on, because...
Woodhouse: Will do!!

Cyril, shut your pout-hole, accept the fact that Lana was so far out of your league, that impregnating her would have basically been interspecies breeding, and get on with your life!

Ray: Besides keeping everybody up all night with your damn hootenannies...
Archer: Wait, that was a hootenanny?

Jesus, these taste like calluses!

You think you're not sleeping now? Wait till that thing's born!


Malory: Are you bothering them?
Lana: I am. And also, Happy Opposite Day

Man, I am blowing this jug!

Archer: For what it's worth, we all kinda liked you the way you were.
Pam: Really?
Archer: Well, we hated you less. You kinda turned into a ginormous asshole.

How hot am I now? Let me answer that for you. AS BALLS.


Pam: That's pretty ironic, huh?
Archer: No Pam, once again you're confusing the word "ironic" with "you are an idiot!"

Pam: Oh my God, I can't feel my face!
Archer: Gee Pam, I wonder if that has anything to do with your cocaine-only diet!

Pam: I switched the coke in Little Rock, cause I was worried that...
Archer: That because of your fat blabbering mouth, Lana would get caught with it and have to have her baby in prison, OR because you were low on cupcakes!?

Archer Season 5 Quotes

Lana: Screw you, Mr My-mother's-a-lying-bitch-and-I'm-too-stupid-to-realize-my-life's-a-pathetic-joke!
Archer: Nice to meet you, Mrs Hello-my-kid's-from-a-sperm-bank-since-I-can't-keep-a-man-because-in-addition-to-my-jillion-neuroses-I-have-a-weird-looking-vagina!

Cheryl: You're all jealous of my fall-back career!"
Pam: As what, an ACTUAL acorn?