Michael: I'm amazed Dad hasn't strangled himself with his belt yet.
Lucille: Oh, we're into all kinds of freaky stuff.
Michael: Why do I eat breakfast before I come here?

Lindsay: You haven't had a serious relationship since your wife, and you guys weren't even speaking towards the end.
Michael: A lot of that was the coma.
Lindsay: Yeah, I've heard your side of it.

George Sr.: You've got to get me out of here.
Michael: You're the one that said no to prison.
George Sr.: I was wrong. There, you just have to shut your eyes and take it. Here, you have to shut your eyes and give it.

Michael: We've got a picture of you with Saddam Hussein.
George Sr.: I thought that was the guy who played the Soup Nazi. I told him how much I liked his work!

Has anyone in this family ever even seen a chicken?


Michael: Don't I look kind of British?
British Clerk: Perhaps if you're willing to lose twenty pounds.
Narrator: The clerk was asking for a bribe, but this was lost on Michael.
Michael: You guys do go for the jugular.

Wig Shop Employee: Are you going to buy this time, or are you just curious?
Tobias: I suppose I'm buy-curious ... I have a big TV opportunity.
Wig Shop Employee: Well, this is where all the big TV's come.

Michael: The feeling that you're feeling is what many of us call...a feeling.
Gob: It's not like envy, or even hungry.
Michael: Could it be love?
Gob: I know what an erection feels like, Michael. No, it's the opposite. It's like my heart is getting hard.

Michael was filled with self-loathing. Had he been Jack the Ripper, he would have soothed himself in a most unsavory way. But instead, he just sat in his car and ate a whole thing of candy beans.


Mister Gay...he's bleeding! Mister Gay!


I realized it was for being a leading man. Oh, I can just taste those meaty leading man parts in my mouth!


These are dangerous people, Michael. They will do whatever it takes to get inside this family and bring us down....Oh, they're polite and the men all sound gay, but they will rip out your heart. And their breath...

George Sr.

Arrested Development Season 3 Quotes

Taste the tears, Michael.


Gob: (embracing Michael) Taste the happy, Michael. Taste it.
Michael: It tastes kind of like sad.