Michael: Didn't you already try locking Tony Wonder in his trick?

Gob: Yeah, but that wasn't for revenge, that was just on spec.

Gob: I met someone. I can't really give you any information, kinda famous-y.

Michael: Well, I also met someone, also famous-y, can't give you any information. 

Gob: Is it Julie Bowen?
Michael: No, it's not. Is yours Julie Bowen?

Gob: Is yours Julie Bowen? Oh my god, Michael, you're seeing Julie Bowen?

Michael: I am not seeing Julie Bowen, but if you are, you tell me right now.

Gob: I want to hear you say the words, "I'm not seeing Julie Bowen."

Michael: I have not seen Julie Bowen.

Gob: Well, that's a funny way to phrase it.

Oh, I've made a pun.

Lucille Bluth

I got Olive Garden to offer us unlimited bread.

Lucille Bluth

She stole the Queen Mary to get away from the SEC. Then she winked.

Buster Bluth

Good Bye, Annyong.


Okay, so you figured it out Gene Parmesan.


I'll be out on parole by the time you work up a tear.


Campaign Poster: Sally Sitwell for President: I won't leave for two months and come back with a new nose like Lindsay did.

I'm surrounded by squalor and death and I still can't be happy.


Dave Holt!

Steve Holt

I sold your cave on craigslist.

Ann Veal

Arrested Development Season 4 Quotes

George Michael: What do we always say is the most important thing?
Michael: Family? I tried that. It does not work for me.

I'm going to have sex with you. For money.

Michael [to Lucille]