Diggle: So, pretending for a moment that we aren't two dead men chained to the floor, how do you feel about being my best man?
Oliver: I feel pretty good about it.

Ray: You know what, sometimes I forget that we work together. When I'm with you, it's just you. I don't think about work or the mission or...[Felicity kisses him]
Felicity: I'm sorry.
Ray: I'm not. [more kissing]

  • Permalink: I'm not.
  • Added:

Listen, I know what you're doin' and I know why you're doin' it, but you can't save Thea's soul at the thought of your own.


Now you're just embarrassing yourself. Your sister's teacher was my teacher. Did you really think you could dispatch me with a stick?


I'm not so consumed with vengeance that I blame Thea for Sara's death. I blame Malcolm Merlyn.


Malcolm: John?
Diggle: My friends call me Dig. You? Shouldn't even talk to me.

The reason why I want to open up this bottle and crawl inside is because of what you did to us. I loved your sister. I love your mom. So much like each other, you know, these wild spirits. But, you and I, we had something more than that, because we were the ones that were alike. And we had a trust, and we had a bond, and you broke it. And, I don't know how you could do that to us. But I'm gonna survive this. I mean, I got to. It's my baby girl. But what you've done, I don't know how I'm going to live through this.

Capt. Lance

I will work with you to stop Ra's because that's what my brother says we need to do. So I will be your student. I'll be your partner, even I have to, I will be your soldier. But never again will I be your daughter.


Thea: How could you make me kill a friend?
Malcolm: He should not have told you that.
Thea: I trusted you. I let you into my life. How could you have done this to me?
Malcolm: Because you are my daughter, Thea, and I care about you.

Oliver: You're not a killer!
Thea: Tell that to Sara.
Oliver: What happened to Sara is not on you! What happens to him, is. All this is what Malcom wanted. He freed Slade to prove that we're killers because he wants you to be just like him. You've got to prove to him that you're not.

Thea: What the hell was that?
Oliver: That was a booby trap.
Thea: What kind of psycho would put that thing there?
Oliver: Me.

Maseo: What were you thinking? Anyone at that party could have seen you.
Oliver: Yeah, I pulled the hoodie down over my face.
Maseo: That disguise wouldn't work even if you smeared greasepaint over your face.

Arrow Season 3 Quotes

Diggle: You love her. You even told her so.
Oliver: I was trying to fool Slade.
Diggle: Yes. Except now the only person you're fooling is yourself.

Keep this up and there will be two kinds of criminals left in Starling City. The ones we put away and the ones running scared.
