I work with people who have sex in rooms monitored by cameras. Keeping secrets clearly isn't their strong suit.


Hey, Shaggy. I look like I want a room? You got a guy staying here, nasty scar under his left eye?


Yeses never come quick. As soon as he stalls, you know it's a yes.


Milt: I wasn't expecting him.
Russ: You weren't expecting him. We were there specifically looking for him. What are you talking about?

Milt: Just go, Russ. Do what he says!
Russ: I'm not going anywhere. You're my partner.

Battle Creek Season 1 Episode 13 Quotes

Hey, Shaggy. I look like I want a room? You got a guy staying here, nasty scar under his left eye?


I work with people who have sex in rooms monitored by cameras. Keeping secrets clearly isn't their strong suit.
