I'll look into whatever the hell she could be using the skin for if you remind me to clear my image search history.


Kate: Bruce doesn't have night-vision goggles?
Luke: Batman doesn't do goggles.

Forgetting pain is convenient. Remembering it, agonizing. But recovering the truth is worth the suffering.


Well, it all began with an unfortunate event of which I remember vividly. And, if given the chance again, I would take it back in a heartbeat. It was the simple, effortless thing that I had done so many times before. I woke up.


When your life unfolds into a nightmare, you pray your dreams will take you elsewhere.


Tell [Kate] that I'm so sorry I was ever born from the Wicked Witch of Gotham. And I get why she's avoiding me but I'm totally on her side. I can't believe my mom would ever do something so awful. Oh my god, do you think that she killed that deer too?


Luke: Let me call you a car.
Mary: To take me where? The penthouse built on lies of falsely dead children? Hard pass.

Luke: So, it has been an experience but your chariot has arrived. 2015 hybrid hatchback, power everything, 4.3 stars.
Mary: I can take a hint.
Luke: Wasn't really hinting.

Mary: Maybe if I go kill someone, she'll actually call me back.
Luke: Only one way to find out.

Jacob: What happened to you?
Dodgson: You happened, Commander. I joined the Crows to make Gotham better but you divided it. The city's not safe. The wealthy are safe. And you're too blind to see it.

Batwoman Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Kate: Bruce doesn't have night-vision goggles?
Luke: Batman doesn't do goggles.

I'll look into whatever the hell she could be using the skin for if you remind me to clear my image search history.
