What? Now you need me? Like the chick you like to bang and never take to the prom?


Aidan: I need a drink.
Bishop: Of course you do. Drinks for my favorite son!

You possessed me? No! I said no no no every time you asked! You raped my will!


Marcus! Wipe that grin off your face. You look like the kid whose about to eat everyone at Christmas. Knock it off.


Boys, boys, penises down. You need Josh, ya psycho. You need his blood.


Nora? Take care of yourself, no matter what. Cause you are so, so awesome.


Do you think Marcus is going to come busting through that door? No one, not even Marcus, is going to stand up for a dying king and piss on the new one.


Bishop: A father never kills his son, but always wants his son to surpass him.
Aidan: I'm sorry I didn't arrange it sooner then.

You either just did a piss poor job of explaining it to these people or you recruited a bunch of psychopaths.


Andrew: I know this sounds weird, but I know exactly how you feel.
Josh: Oh yeah? Spend a lot of time naked in a cage?

Aidan: But why would she do something so stupid?
Nora: Because she's in love with you ya dummy.

I know you enjoyed kissing me and I was just a random werewolf dude at the time.


Being Human Quotes

Every human spends a night or two on the dark side and regrets it. But what if you only exist - on the dark side?


We're all hiding something, aren't we? From the moment we wake, look in that little mirror, all we do is spin our little lies.
