We talked about this, and I meant what I said. Sally and Aidan are our family, no matter how much time we end up spending with this new pack.


It's not like any of us can afford to buy it. I mean half of us don't even really exist.


I'm sorry Baby werewolf beats a dancing cat video anytime.


I know your intentions were good. I'm sure they always are. Let's just forget the deep damage that you leave behind. It's not all you, it's just... it's been a long night.


Oh my God. Quantum Leap!


Aidan: Could you wipe a person from my memory, and that would be it?
Kenny: Probably, because I'm pretty awesome.

It's a werewolf dance party!


Are you ready for the curtain?


Kat: I'm not scared of the situation, I'm scared of you. It's you.
Aidan: OK. If you need me to go, I can...
Kat: Yes, please.

I have been alive for over 200 years because I am a vampire.


Susanna, you got me. Waddya want me to say? I just want to know what it's like to have five years, ten, of a real life.


Trying to get an answer out of you about your past is like playing whack-a-mole.


Being Human Quotes

Every human spends a night or two on the dark side and regrets it. But what if you only exist - on the dark side?


We're all hiding something, aren't we? From the moment we wake, look in that little mirror, all we do is spin our little lies.
