Daniel: Esther, he's naked.
Esther: Yeah, they all were.
Daniel: Don't you think that's a little weird?

Who says there are no friends in espionage?


Richard: I met your successor today, BB Yates, and that sparkplug second in charge. What's his name?
Steven: Robert? Yeah. He's passionate.
Richard: Yeah. Well, other adjectives to come to mind.

Richard: Do you think they have what it takes?
Steven: What, the job? I can't speak for Yates, but you won't find a better deputy chief than Robert.
Richard: Well, it's a different job these days, Steven. A different mandate.
Steven: Presidents come and go, Richard. Intelligence is intelligence.
Richard: Yeah, but we were fools playing the world's cop for so many years, playing beyond our means. Look where that got you. Hung out to dry by Langly in the end. Don't tell me it wasn't time for a change.
Steven: OK, yeah, sure. But you don't bring in a bull to rearrange the china shop.

Esther: So you want us to provide assault rifles and ammunition to members of the alt-right.
Robert: English may be your second language, but you sure as shit nailed that patronizing tone.

So you're watching us watching them watching you.


So how is Daniel supposed to convince Ganz he can provide him with weapons if he can't put them in his hands?


Daniel: I need you to listen to me very carefully. Twelve years ago in Chechnya, you created the identity of a gunrunner named Andrew Chevalier, and I need you to wake him up right now.
Hector: How did you find me?
We'll get to that later. The people behind me will kill us if you don't play along. My name is Trevor Price. Look pleased to see me, maybe you can go so far as to hug me. Just don't fuck this up.
Hector: If they don't kill you, I will.

Berlin Station Season 2 Episode 1 Quotes

Who says there are no friends in espionage?


Daniel: Esther, he's naked.
Esther: Yeah, they all were.
Daniel: Don't you think that's a little weird?